Tuesday, December 2, 2014

How I met Him!

Going back to my last year's diary, a few series of events flashed back. Before some of them fade away, I thought they should be documented. So here I go...

I work for a MNC, whose Corporate Social Responsibility is my life's favorite part. Due to this frequent volunteering habit of mine, I ended up to be one of it's core member in the last 3 years. So this is the background story, so that you can catch up the story-line. 

There is an annual event that is sponsored and organized by my Organization during the winter. This is quiet an event. At least 5000 people participate every year across the location, while the number is huge across the country. The volunteers work day and night to make this event a grand success. We worked for more than a month or two for the preparations. We were all geared up. So, I met this guy the last winter.  

Even though I worked for quiet a lot of time in those weekends, I had never seen this guy. So that morning of the event I reached the venue with my good friend's help. He also handed over some sheets for my reference. I quickly glanced at the participant list for whom I was the POC. So I went in search of all the participants. I found some really interesting bunch of people. 

Me: Hello everybody (60W flashing smile)
All(except him): Hello Miss, Good Morning.
Me: (Acknowledged back with a smile)
Him: Angry young man look ( eyebrow raised)
Me: (I am ignoring you Mister)

I rushed to check where are the halls assigned for the events scheduled in the first half, and I was all set. I went to gather my list of participants at one place. I helped the first few set of them to rush for Dance event, after they were beautifully dressed up. I silently wondered, how beautiful are these girls. Few of em in a costume like a beautiful flower, some looked like little birdies. Wow!

I returned to the common area, where the rest of my participants were seated. Kavya came running towards me. 

Kavya: Hey, where were you ?
Me: I was at the dance event.
Kavya : I think, there is a guy looking for you. He asked me for a girl in dress of color of my Dupatta(peach color). He was rude dude.
Me: Awww! Really? Please let me check.

I went to see him. Were you looking for me? He was a real angry young man. He said, "Don't you think you were supposed to take me to the event? Because of you, I am late." Damn! How did this happen? He yelled at me. I was now out of my patience limit. I decided to speak to him and teach him some manners. I started, don't you think you spoke more than you were supposed to? Is this the manners you have learnt from your parents? Don't you really know how to speak? You better behave yourself. He put down his head in helplessness.

Me: Name?
Him: Nithin
Me: Which standard?
Him: 3rd standard.
Me: (Awww, feeling sorry) Picture Quiz?
Nithin: Yes.

We rushed for the event. He did really well in the event. Post event, I sat with this guy. Started speaking to him, just to know why was his behavior so. I started speaking to him in a more friendly way.

ME: So, where do you stay? 
Nithin: Hostel
Me: Hostel? Why do you stay in Hostel? Where is your home?
Nithin: A village nearby.
Me: So you have friends over there? Who stays with you?
Nithin: Me and My father's son
Me: What? (Shocked)
Nithin: My father is remarried, so this guy is his son. I have my own 2 sisters, they study in the same school. Elder ones. My mom is no more. Father is a truck driver, he rarely comes home. Stepmom put us in hostel.
Me:(Quickly wiped my tears) Hey you are a brave guy dude.
Nithin : (Sarcastic smile)
Me: Let's go.. You have frog race now.
Nithin: Miss, can you hold this bag of mine, until I am back?
Me : Sure (He addressed me as Miss :) )

Since that day, I have met this kid again and again at his school. Every time I go to see him, I receive 1000 complaints on him. When I ask him about it, he put his head down. Bad was when, I heard he hit on a classmate's head and left him deeply injured. His Class Teacher came up to me to talk about him. She said, you believe it or not Miss, you must be the only one at whom he nods his head. He agrees to whatever you say. He proudly tells people that you visit him, and talk to him more than anyone else. But Miss just because of his family stories, I cannot forgive him all the while. Why don't you think of taking him for Counselling? I was shocked at her suggestion. I said Ok.

I was all sad, after listening to all his stories. I started walking towards the school gate. He peeped out of the classroom window. He came running and said, "I am Sorry. No complaints next time. Promise." I just put my hand on his head and walked away. He came running again, "Sorry Miss" . I said, I'll see him again next time. And I missed my Office Cab.That entire day, I thought about his conditions, aggression, he being adamant, rude and what not.

Looking for help! I need suggestions to help this child. Random Act of Kindness appreciated.

Note: He is exceptionally good in both curricular and extra-curricular.

All set for a performance

He Dances really well!
 #Life'sExperience #HelpNeeded #AfterAllKidHeIs

                                                                                                                              -- Vijeta SM

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Nandi Hills : A Walk through Clouds!

Wikipedia says "Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements."

Traveling to the place you like is always an exciting journey. Why I made this statement is, because I travel for around 3 hours collectively every day to my work place and back home. This has never been any exciting journey to me, reason being I don't quiet like traveling there everyday. This makes life monotonous. Well, I love to travel elsewhere, with all those conditions as stated by Wikipedia above; with people, place and mode of travel of my choice.

Once, a lady I admire the most as my Icon, quoted this "Whenever My Job sucks, I take shelter in My Family; Whenever I have personal crisis,I take refuge at my work". It took me a while to  figure out what she actually meant. As simple as it is. She put my life into ease, all that she said was so true. Ever since then, through the dunes of life, I blindly take refuge in the other. My family and friends come to rescue more than often. 

Of late, I crib about almost everything on earth. To get out of the monotonous life, I said "Take Me Anywhere"

Drive towards Nandi  Hills.

Journey that started as a result of "Take Me Anywhere" was towards a heavenly place called Nandi Betta. Nandi Hills was said to be Tippu Sultan's Summer rest house and fort. There are a couple of Hindu temples on the hill, I was taken by a little surprise, since the fort once belonged to A Muslim King. But this did not persist longer as the "The Tiger of Mysore" had many Hindu temples all across the Kingdom of Mysore.

Crazy bunch of people.
A pit stop!

If you are a morning person and you like going places, this is a must visit. It is situated at a distance of 10 km from Chikkaballapur town and approximately 60 km from the city of Bangalore.

Life appears to be so beautiful here. We walked through the clouds. The drive uphill is freaking crazy, misty way and clouds all around. We create memories through pictures. And this is truely heaven for photographers, models and not to forget the Facebook freaks ;)

Towards the Hilltop

Destination : Heaven on Earth

Partners in Crime: From the right - Gokul, Netra, Vinod and Me .

An experience of Life Time. A walk to remember - A walk through Clouds.

Happy Cloud Walking!!

-- Vijeta SM