Saturday, November 29, 2014

Nandi Hills : A Walk through Clouds!

Wikipedia says "Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip.Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements."

Traveling to the place you like is always an exciting journey. Why I made this statement is, because I travel for around 3 hours collectively every day to my work place and back home. This has never been any exciting journey to me, reason being I don't quiet like traveling there everyday. This makes life monotonous. Well, I love to travel elsewhere, with all those conditions as stated by Wikipedia above; with people, place and mode of travel of my choice.

Once, a lady I admire the most as my Icon, quoted this "Whenever My Job sucks, I take shelter in My Family; Whenever I have personal crisis,I take refuge at my work". It took me a while to  figure out what she actually meant. As simple as it is. She put my life into ease, all that she said was so true. Ever since then, through the dunes of life, I blindly take refuge in the other. My family and friends come to rescue more than often. 

Of late, I crib about almost everything on earth. To get out of the monotonous life, I said "Take Me Anywhere"

Drive towards Nandi  Hills.

Journey that started as a result of "Take Me Anywhere" was towards a heavenly place called Nandi Betta. Nandi Hills was said to be Tippu Sultan's Summer rest house and fort. There are a couple of Hindu temples on the hill, I was taken by a little surprise, since the fort once belonged to A Muslim King. But this did not persist longer as the "The Tiger of Mysore" had many Hindu temples all across the Kingdom of Mysore.

Crazy bunch of people.
A pit stop!

If you are a morning person and you like going places, this is a must visit. It is situated at a distance of 10 km from Chikkaballapur town and approximately 60 km from the city of Bangalore.

Life appears to be so beautiful here. We walked through the clouds. The drive uphill is freaking crazy, misty way and clouds all around. We create memories through pictures. And this is truely heaven for photographers, models and not to forget the Facebook freaks ;)

Towards the Hilltop

Destination : Heaven on Earth

Partners in Crime: From the right - Gokul, Netra, Vinod and Me .

An experience of Life Time. A walk to remember - A walk through Clouds.

Happy Cloud Walking!!

-- Vijeta SM


  1. Dear Vijeta,

    I stumbled upon your blog while looking for weekend getaways. This is amazing. Thank you blogger.

    1. Thank you! Am glad you stumbled upon at the right place :) Happy visit!!

  2. Hi Vij!!! Nice blog!! Yup Even I had been to Nandi Hills and I must say its worth spending time there :)

    And yes , you are rite, "Take me Anywhere" was an awesome experience for you!!
    I must say "Take me Anywhere again and again" should be the mantra for life :)

    Nice BLOG!! Beaautiful Pics :)

    1. Hey Vish! Thank you so much :)
      Yes, definitely! "Take me Anywhere again and again" is the Mantra now :)

  3. Hey Vijeta,
    It was a memorable excursion. Your words and these pictures are the testimonials to it. Nicely written. Keep blogging.

    1. So Mr Vinod "Take me Anywhere again and again" :)
      And thank you very much for your kind words :)

  4. Hi vijj..!! Yes indeed it was an awesome trip with really awesome people in my life..
    Your words have added life into it.. Perfectly written..
    Expecting many more blogs from you..:*

  5. Hey ya !!

    I must say you have mastered your photo editing and blogging, for I was carried away and urged to visit this beautiful place on earth. From now on my mantra for the next few days would be TAKE ME TO NANDI HILLS ;)

    Happy blog time blogger !!
    You rock gal :*

    1. Thank you Ujj :*
      Yes yes, keep chanting!! Go once a while.. For sure Jiju will be more than happy to go there with you :)
      You rock too :*

  6. "Of late, I crib about almost everything on earth" honest and so you :p
    nice writing Vij :) Keep blogging! Hope to see more blogs on things you love to do!

  7. Nice blog vijeta and the pics r awesome, specially the clouds one is HEAVENLY......

  8. Hello,

    Well Written ! As it is known to everyone that the pictures always speaks more than the words and it is true here as well.
    BUT a thing to mention is that here words added more to the pictures and the outcome is really making everyone to " Take them(me) anywhere (Nandi hills)".

    I would like to quote the saying by Saint Augustine on Travel which is :
    “The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”

    So Keep Travelling, keep writing and keep sharing!

    1. Hi Jiju,
      Your word are more than inspiring. Thank you very much for the lovely feedback. Please do visit this place when you and Sahana are here in Bangalore.
      Good times :)

  9. Hey, always had this dream to visit the place. This blog just acted as catalyst to that desire. Wonderful writing and pics are amazing. Good going!!!!

    1. Thanks Nayana:) You should be driving to Nandi Hills, well within this catalytic period :)
      Have fun!!

  10. Fascinating read! :) Nandhi Hills is one place everyone should definitely visit. The journey itself is so enjoyable.. Vijeta, your blog transported me back to this lovely little place.. :) If there is a heaven out there, I hope this is what it looks like :)

    1. Thanks a lot Deepthi :) I second that thought.. Truly heaven :)

  11. Very nicely written and great blog with pics. Me and my sister are also planning to visit Nandi on our activa and wondering if you have ridden a scooter/bike there and if the hill roads safe to ride there? Did you used to off the engine and ride back on downhill there? Need some tips, Regards, Kusum

    1. Dear Kusum,
      I have typed in the response for n number of times all these days, somehow it fails to add every time. Not really sure why :(
      I hope you had a good ride to Nandi Hills.


    2. Hey Vijeta,

      Thanks for coming back. You are right, sometimes these websites do act funny. To be honest, we have not visited yet and are actually planning to visit in few weeks time. So yes, the response to the query will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Kusum

    3. Oh :)
      Well, a lot of riders take their 2 wheeler up the hill. It's a nice experience to ride through the morning mist, only concern is to be careful. We took our 4 wheeler up there and made sure to stop here and there through the curves to click some pictures with monkeys :D :D lol :P
      People do take bikes and bullets, not sure about Activa :)
      Anyways happy and safe riding :) Good times :)


  12. Hi the post is so interesting and helpful and good to read. The clicks are great. Bangalore to Nandi Hills Cabs
