Friday, January 3, 2020

Let's Roll...

Hey Fellas,

Happy New Year :) Let's start this year with some positiveness. Let's help ourselves to be lesser discontent. Here is something for self-love and self-discovery. 

As this year springs brace yourselves for another ride around the Sun, which will nothing be short of a roller-coaster, in my opinion. Why not it be? Life never assures a smooth and dull journey it has its way of trading with each one of us.

Mark Twain once quoted, "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."

 Do you perceive how tiny you are in this cosmos? Try stargazing, I repeat. I have done it, and I have changed my way of looking at everything around me. I have worked on this part of my consciousness to understand how less miserable one can be to thyself. Gratefulness has helped me rewire my subconscious mind. 

I vaguely remember reading somewhere, "People may say and do many things, they will do what they know best, but will I allow myself to be tangled up in that, or will I go where I want to go?" I was never able to perceive this version of me earlier, but then here I am.If you could also perceive this, this will only help with your mental health.

The most significant aspect of life is to be kind and others will automatically get those positive vibes from you. Everyone deserves respect from a naughty 4-year-old to an angry teenager to a middle-aged person to an old sober/grumpy person.

Don't be a bad-spirited person. How hard is it to be a little gentle in this world? Try and you won't regret it. The simplest life hack for me and anyone is not to be perfect all the while. Besides, you live only in the moment called "Now" everything else is either imaginary or bygone. 

My aunt once told me about self-love. Memories of that conversation are still vivid. I am going to bestow that golden piece here:
 "Do you know what is the lesson learned the hardest way? Learn to draw boundaries. At some point, you need to draw a line saying who is inside and who is not. You can't keep everyone happy and it is not your job to keep everyone happy. However, you can always be nicer to people. Your job is to keep yourself happy first, learn to love yourself first before you love someone. Learn to give the best to yourself before you try to give the best to someone. "

This may conflict with the idea of being nice/kind to everyone but primarily be nice to yourself first. There is a proverb that goes something like this - You can't give what you don't have. So if you can't love yourself, you can't love others. 

Start your day with appreciation and fresh spirits. Let the universe take charge of everything else. You don't need to be perfect to be good, remember that. The only reassurance you need is of your own.

Last but not least "It's fine, it is going to be alright", this is the most persisting illusion called reality. Practice gratitude and feel grateful.

Happy Year Ahead :)


Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Hey Fellas,

This space seems all new all of a sudden. Distance from this space suddenly makes my fingers shiver. Very much mine yet all new. 

No posts in 2019 make my life very much half-done. Well, never too late for a gratitude post. 

This year has been another roller coaster ride. It makes me think about how little I am in this whole wide cosmos to carry all stress on my tiny brain. I must tell you, stargazing has helped me in more ways than one. 

First of all thanks to you finger countable cute monsters of mine. A new job on the first day of the year, an accident - first one(taught the value of 2 months), new place, new acquaintances, new way of looking at the world, a new country, long-distance friendships, new home, new people of my own, new pets, aunt to new girls called Angel and Bubble, shopping of lifetime,  new and disciplined life, a new me and a new him in nuptial bonding. Just the right amount of everything that makes this year my perfect cup of tea. So much to be grateful for everyone/thing new and old. 

Zillion Thanks to the Universe, Daddy, the whole Family, Friends and, Everyone for this year. Forever indebted. 

Someone to #Followmeto :)


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Things To Do This Father's Day

Sometimes it is now or never. There is no next time or second chance. You got to live your life in the present. Maybe the life is not about becoming something or someone. Today try unbecoming what you are presently and go back to your earlier self. Today try to be that someone who you are meant to be for that someone in the first place.  

NO matter how hard the life is, be obliged for you have a loving family, a shelter, 3 meals a day and handful of friends. You are already a lot fortunate than the plethora of people around the globe.  Now that I have already made you think that "Life is Good", it's time you go and do something for your Daddy. 

    1. If you remember when the entire world said No, Daddy was the only person to say YES and vice versa. Because he knows what is best for you. Pick up that fancy phone (iPhone or any fancy android), use the basic functionality of it. CALL HIM UP. And people already living with family go and check out what the old hero is up to and give him a hug.

    2. Start believing in yourself, you young person. Because you know, your Daddy believed in you and he never agrees to it. Go and see the man and sit as an adult (even if it is for the first time, it's just fine) and talk to him about life. 

    3. The Angry young man never sits for a talk? Always busy with newspapers or news channels? Drag him for a while for a quick cup of coffee. It is possible. Try it, my friend.  This man has a lot of secrets in life. You sure as hell deserve to inherit these secrets. Don't you?

    4. Having kids didn’t make him a father but raising them made one. He is not as expressive as your mummy, however, that doesn't mean he feels nothing.  Say thanks often, make him feel loved even when he doesn't express it, yet he deserves it. Hold his hand and show him the world, exactly what he did years ago.

    5. This gentleman has sacrificed a lot for everything that you are today. Go for a brief flashback to your childhood, strikes? He didn't teach life to you, he showed life to you.  Buy him a nice pair glasses maybe?  Or a holiday doesn't hurt much? 

    6. Since we are grown up already that's a sign of aging, this should also let you think that the parents are aging at the same pace as you are.  Does everyone talk about healthy lifestyle, healthy food and what not? Do you really think of what is happening back at home? Take him for a general complete body checkup soon. Give him that confidence that he is still the Tiger of the house and you are the cub and not vice versa. 

    7. "Behind every successful person is a woman" ever heard this? You sure do have. I don't know whatever made the person who quoted this not to think of a man behind the successful person.  The upraised, unsung and unnoticed hero behind one's success is also the Father. He is the most valuable asset.  Today make some time and discuss life with this  Unsung Hero.

    8. Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be very rough for he raised you. All that you remember is only being scolded by Daddy? Good for you. At least you are a comparatively better person than what you could have otherwise been. You owe him a lot. A Thank you and a pair of his favorite clothes won't harm your pocket much. 

    9. Every Dad is a hero to his kids. Every child openly or secretly loves their Dad. Oh, wait! Sending him "Happy Father's Day, Love you Dad" message? Did he reply a "Thank You" or is he struggling to reply back? You tech-savvy children, spend some time in teaching them the technology as simple as WhatsApp message, a video call, taking pictures etc. See the changed man in a week's time.  

    Don't forget to speak to him in person. If possible just go and see him soon. This man I tell you never expresses but surely deserves all the happiness at this once again tender age.  

    10. Father's Day is just like Mother's Day, only you don't spend as much. That's fine. The old hero doesn't demand much. All your father needs today is you my friend, just You. As they age gracefully, they don't need anything much. All they need are your calls, your good mornings, your happy talks, lunch/dinner together times, you make them proud every single day as a child and most importantly your TIME. 

So here is your Father's Day pick. At least pick 01/10 and make your super hero feel loved. 

Picture Credits: Google Images

Nutty Wordsmith!