Friday, September 27, 2013

Story of finding my lost ring back! - Ch 1

Chapter 1

A morning not sure if it was a fine one though, I woke up grumbling about almost everything on earth. I had not realized why I was grumbling until an hour later. It was these days; I woke up in the mid nights and had not slept for the next 3 hours for almost over a week. I had no clue why, no no, not the age factor nor I was falling for Gravity :P
In a hurry to catch the office bus, I just dressed up and ran out of the house, without wishing the landlord “Good Morning Thatha” in a nicer way, I had just uttered the words and ran until he could he even lift his head up and respond back from his busy newspaper reading.
It’s only after 5-6 houses, I see a man and his wife in their late 50’s everyday rushing to work at the same time when I start home, looking at both of them I stop grumbling only to realize that they are aged enough to sit at home but they happily go working, and I am not even half of their age. I see a lady making a hair-do for her school going girl in her balcony, and it’s a routine I wave at her girl every morning in whatever hurry I am.  I see a Rottweiler and he is ugly enough to ignore his barks. I also see a little kid who just joined kindergarten, I have seen him yell out from his balcony “Akka Hi” for past 2 years and he is too sweet enough for a tight hug.
6 minutes of walk every morning gives me enough acceptance in this World. I reached my bus-stop well before time, to see other co-travelers were yet to arrive. Well, doesn’t even make much difference as I hardly talk to anyone of them; because I miss my regular bus buddy. There comes 73, No! I don’t like the people and I let it go; 43, oh yeah! Same story.  I waited until 44 arrived.
<Route # 44 is the regular bus I take every morning to work. Many from my bus stop come in it including a recently wedded couple (to be introduced as important characters) >
I boarded the Bus and managed to reach the last seat which is but obvious my favorite place to sit. I had no window seat there so I settled for last but second seat. I barely had managed to sit, there came Aditi and sat next to me.  I was about to change the FM station and Aditi’s husband came running and caught the bus in the first signal. When he came in, there were only 2 seats vacant in the last row, seats next to the people sitting in the window side on either side. Now, the two started some sign language, you know :P  they would obviously want to sit next to each other and there was no doubt about it.

Now all this put me into a lot of discomfort. I decided to let the husband sit next to Aditi. I came to the last row to find “A new co-traveler” and a usual lady in the last seat. I chose to sit next to the lady, where the Sun was peeping in hot and bright. Well I had no choice but to sit there all the way to Office. I started to worry as the hands would be tanned for the next one hour which I couldn’t afford but then I managed to. And I reached my office. 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

And We Say We Are Working Hard!!!

How Lovely are our lives in an air-conditioned cubicle, internet to get connected with the outside world and within the company, that Cafeteria out there to have a good food at right times, though we don't even move an inch to work. When we forget to accomplish an important task for the day, it doesn't really matter but we don't afford to miss those coffee and tea breaks!!
 Have you ever thought how does that different class of our society really live ???
How hard do they really work?? We get enough bucks for our work, how about those poor people who work beyond our wildest imaginations???

Have a look at them….�

When you are in your  air conditioned cubicle sitting in a cozy wheel chair as u can see some are not gifted with a comfortable life as u have…
Lets join our Hands to stop Child labour in the every possible way we can !!
And We Say We Are Working Hard!!!


Than the rest is there anything beautiful one?
Love is a feeling which stands next to none.

Each of the two lends so much care,
With least return expectation everything they share;
Just like the tree await the rain,
Both await little gain in every pain.

Her one touch is a feel of heaven,
And his little smile is a hope of vision;
Each other mean the world to them,
The little world within overwhelm.

The emotions being revealed by the tear,
The distance and separation are the greatest fear;
Along the shy in eye she overawe,
As there is nothing as beautiful as the feeling of Love.

-- Vijeta Subhas


Lots to share,
Lots of care,
In this world called a huge fair!
There are many things which give you
Nothing but Tears.

A little dream in your pretty eye,
Often you lack a pair of wings to fly;
Even then you aim to fly high and high
Nothing favors and you just end up with a cry!

Now there are no tears left,
Just need to unfold life’s wonderful gift.
Think of your own dreams and aims for a while,
You aren’t the last, just a give a smile.

All you ever dreamt is what you’ve now;
Even the happiest of happiest, show;
The ecstasy with nothing but a glow,

The perfect happiness is what the single “Tear that flow”.

-- Vijeta Subhas