Saturday, August 27, 2016

That Long Distance Relationship!

Relationships are both merrier and painful at 2 different instances. No story is picture perfect. Every story has its own times of joy and testing times. In a nutshell, they are complicated, touch wood mine was never.

Every time I received a call from my contacts as Dortmund, people next to me always wondered who was it. Some of them gave me a weird smile and a Ohh hoo, some of them raised their eyebrows and some of them left me to be at my peace. And I never failed to ignore. Most of my afternoons a couple of years ago had a regular status update calls to this person. Seldom I quietly walked out of my workspace, took a water bottle to refill, gave my updates and walked back to my desk. I had made it a habit or more like a routine.

I remember times, when people unnecessarily teased me while I was on calls, I had nothing to say but just say what nonsense? And walk away. They thought I was blushing then. Lol. I wondered why on earth would I blush? On the other side, Dortmund asked me why was I laughing. I would tell the stories of things that happen around me while I answer Dortmund's call. Dortmund would laugh and say Ignore it baby, so would I.

Dortmund: Baby change my contact name please.
Me: Aye ja be!
Dortmund : <Eye-rolling smiley! And a silent GL please.>

This happened only on 3 different occasions. I was very politely asked to change the contact name, I respectfully disagreed to do so. Later I was never even asked to do, in-spite of people doubting on us to the moon and back.

Our initial days of skype calls were crazy:

Every time Dortmund flashed on my phone, someone made fun of me. Except people who were nearly close to me as Dort. Most of the times before I made purchases online, the links and pictures were sent to Dort. Until the approval/suggestions came from miles away, the product was just left in the cart.  So friends of mine asked if Dortmund selected it for me, I said no, but I showed it before buying it.


My world is so incomplete without this person. Distance has never been a villain except for a very few occasions. When I was pale and sad, I wanted a shoulder for real but however bestie was always there virtually. Spoke for hours and made me a better person in a few hours. I thanked God for having my personalized angel as he couldn't always be around. But I couldn't thank Dortmund enough because the response I always received for every thanks was - "Aye ja be"

Time zone is a matter of concern many a times. I doze off much before the other person.  I ask about lunch, while the person miles away is just up and yet to have breakfast. The last night, I had to wake myself at 03:30 am-ish just to make sure I'm wishing at 12:00 am, while I was terribly sick with a damaged wrist.

Just so that everybody knows, Dortmund is a name of a place in Germany. I did not know of the place only until my Bestie got the admission at TU Dortmund. Unless you really really know me well, you wouldn't really know who my Bestie is. After having relocated from Dortmund to Zutphen, the contact name still remains the same. I like Dortmund more, maybe. Bestie does not even mind any longer.

At times, our conversations be like :
Me:  Come we'll marry each other and it's even legal!
Dortmund : The Society is not ready for that yet.
Me: We'll adopt a child and a pet.
Dortmund :  You'll take care of both but.
Me: Yeah ok :)
Dortmund : Ok! Wouldn't that still be a long distance relationship ? Lol!

Dortmund knows all those stares I possibly get in the bus for the commitment that lasts for years. Be it a phone call or WhatsApp chat. I do smile while I respond, but trust me, I ain't blushing. Best Friend is the greatest gift that one could ever get. Mine is exceptionally the great one.  I get all the energy in the world when I'm down just when I have this person with me. We don't even have a lot many pictures together. Maybe we were too busy in living today and forgot to make memories with pictures. Nonetheless, being there when needed the most is all that matters.
Random conversations be like :D

Happy Birthday to the only girl I know who is almost as crazy as me. I know, how hard it is to be humble :) You are charming, compassionate, intelligent and strong - maybe just because you are my best friend. Oh yeah, I'm being humble all over again :) Did we agree upon the terms, best friends are supposed to share everything with each other? So I'm celebrating and sharing your birthday with you like my own. Your age is just a reminder of all the amazing years we spent together.

Madam, Just so that you remember all over again, the first day of our college, we met unexpectedly and the first thing we did together was go to a Canteen instead of the class at P.C Jabin's. All the weird things happen for a reason, so did we happened to each other. Thanks for jumping in joy with me and sobbing when I cried rivers. I know, you have been equally humble by being there and tolerating all the mood swings of mine. And there is no escape, you know. In this roller coaster called life, being able to lean and rely on someone is one of the best feelings out there. Not a PDA, but yeah I do love you only as much as you do :D You decide as to how much :P

Happy Birthday !!


Saturday, August 6, 2016

And when it breaks!

Disclaimer: It is highly unlikely that any sentiments expressed in this short story in any way coincide with those of any other person in any way associated with me. It is purely my work of fiction. My Mind is back to work after a long vacation.

'Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't breakeven, even, no
What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?
I'm falling to pieces
I'm falling to pieces
They say bad things happen for a reason
But no wise words gonna stop the bleeding
'Cause he's moved on while I'm still grieving
And when a heart breaks, no, it don't breakeven, even!

This day that year -- 

The alarm rung, I realized the last thing I remember were the above lines echoing before I slipped to sleep.  I cursed the alarm for breaking my dream where I was trying to tie all the loose ends before it is too late. I was trying to get answers for all the questions. I was haunted by the past. I wasn't getting over it. Even before I could knock the correct doors to get any answers my alarm resounded.

I chose on dismissing and was laying on the bed remembering the last encounter. Just realized my presence did not matter and that let me know that nor did my absence made any distinction. That brain which is literally brainy understood all of those, nonetheless the very busy and sensitive heart did not buy any of it. It just stayed there madly and deeply.

The brain signaled something.  I could not resist but react immediately. Quickly got ready, unlocked the bicycle and reached the University campus. One last subject to get the grades to graduate from the well-known University. There are many reasons to live life happily. But the (bloody) heart does not allow me to. However, I wrote that test as per my brain's command. I also knew that my parents take pride in my success. I'm going to be the first post graduate from my family and that too from World's top university. Just a few more months before I see my home and my people.

Killed a couple of months in despair. Doing things I'm best at were tumbling apart to realize how lousy I have turned out to be. And today after I rehearsed a thousand times, on the dais my motivational address for my juniors turned out to be a mess and I ended up saying something unexpected :
"I wish that I had never met you.
Then there would be no reason to impress you, no need to want you.
No need for loving you, No need for crying over you.
No need for heartbreaks, No need for pain or tears.
No need for forgotten promises, No need for acting like you care.
No need, for everything you've done to make me feel like absolutely nothing."

My close friend walked straight onto the dais and dragged me out of the stage. I had not realized what had I done. I blindly trudged out of the amphitheater just to pose for a picture with a flying graduate hat. So that I continue to make my parents feel proud. As I walked by the restaurant in the campus, I saw you Mr.! You walked with another person with the same camaraderie we shared.

A few years have passed by, nothing has changed except you and my fate. Today, as I type in this letter outside my psychiatrist's cabin how I wish I had never met you.

Receptionist : Ms. Astha.
Me: Hey, I'm here.
Receptionist: Ma'am you can walk in the doctor's room in 2 minutes.
Me: How many today?
Receptionist: Ma'am 3. You may choose to meet them based on your convenience of time.
Me: Cool!

I walk into the doctor's office and get startled to see you and I stand still . The doctor suggests me to sit next to him so that I can talk to you. Today, I'm here to help my cousin to counsel some of his tough nut patients. And you are here too, but you are here with all the broken pieces just because Karma never forgets any address. I see that you are falling into pieces and that very thing saddens me.

So here I say, "I'm Ms. Astha. I'm here to help you and you may please count me as your friend so that I can help you completely." First time in years, I was forcing my brainy brain to use the word Friend to my client whom my bloody heart refused to call as Friend. Well, my heart no longer even treats you as one. But I will still help you because I know when the heart breaks, you breakdown too!

And when a heart breaks, no, it don't breakeven, even!  -- Astha!



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why should Pondicherry be your next destination?

Of late, I have been a lot vulnerable to situations around me. Getting over, be it monotony or person or situations or work is a little less easier. My heart was screaming aloud once again - Take Me Anywhere. I could not resist but agree to it. I suddenly realized, there is something long pending on my Wish List. "A Solo Trip"!

I started browsing for places that are safe for solo woman travelers. I surprisingly found that there are a good number of places that allow a woman to be at her best and ease with utmost safety. That was like icing on the cake. All I can say about my travel stories is, I have never been allowed to go on trips with friends. I always traveled with family and cousins. Now that I decided to go solo, I need permissions to do so. I called around 6 times in 10 minutes to get approval. It was a BIG NO, NO! I was even told, not to call again about the same.  The 7th time I called, I said - I'll take half lemon along with me. Approved! Partially Solo as it was half lemon along.

Booked my tickets and a hotel room. That was a big moment of relief. I knew am finally going to travel. It took me a week to figure out what am I going to explore in the town. Google, Friends, Blogs, Quora and what not? That kind of helped me. Soon after my tickets were booked, one of my friends was vacationing in Pondy with her family, that helped me too. My plan was for 2 days and I exactly knew what I was going to do there.

Pondicherry or Puducherry or Pondy is a Union territory of India. It lies in the southeast part of India in the state of Tamil Nadu. A very beautiful place for a perfect weekend getaway. My visit to Pondy was a memorable one and below are some of the glimpses.

Day 1: Checked-in at Hotel South Avenue, Pondicherry.  It is a friendly place, they provided me with the map and a slip that had the places to visit with highlights that are on the right side and left side of the hotel respectively. They insisted me to hire a 2-wheeler to go around the town. I instantly refused with a smile and said - I don't ride. The receptionist said I don't know how have you been managing all these days without riding. He looked at half lemon and said, at least she should learn by the time she joins college. I looked at half lemon and laughed out louder.

Started my way towards the Promenade beach, when I rode 50m from my hotel I started wondering if I was on the right direction. Half lemon insisted on using Navigation and we followed it calmly. We saw the huge bunch of foreign travelers going in a line of cycle rickshaws. Each one of them were so friendly and joyous, they waved at us, clicked pictures and moved. When all of them got down from their cycle rickshaw, we managed to reach the beach too. They clicked a few more pictures of us and so did we. The beach here is called as rock beach as rocks lay on the shore with all the happiness in the world. They get to hear each wave that hit them every minute, they listen to the stories that the waves bring in each time. Also, they allow the people to rest on them and listen to the waves. They are beautiful in their own way.

Happy French couple on their way to Promenade

As we walked on the shore along the rocks, a lot of visitors passed by us. Amongst all, what caught my attention more was a group of college going guys and girls. Each one of them being a couple and walking hand in hand. They stared at us and one couple approached us. The girl said - "Semma Beautiful!" I looked at HL and she said that means "Very Beautiful" in the local language(3 months Chennai effect). HL started beaming with pride that she knew something, which I failed to understand. I then started thinking what was that she called as beautiful? My Hat? Dress? Camera? Sling Bag? Or this tiny half lemon? I assumed it to be half lemon. The girl asked me my name and I said, Suzi. She said beautiful again. I said thank you and walked ahead.

Rock Beach/Promenade Beach

Along the seaside are French War Memorial, Gandhi Statue, Marques Dupleix Statue, DOM Sub Invocatione Domina Angelorum Church, Nehru Statue, Manakkula Vinayagar Temple, Aurobindo Ashram, the very beautiful French colony, Bharati Park. Etc. All these can be covered in a days' time.  Visit the local handicrafts stores to buy the Candles, Soaps, Powder Soap, Hats, Earrings and leather items. These are special from the town. This place is also known for it's popularity in movies like Talaash and Life of Pie.

Ceiling of Manakkula Vinayagar Temple

French War Memorial

 Pondi is known for its heritage. Highly French-inspired town with beautiful French colony. The evenings are perfectly quiet, peaceful and  serene. Dainty Cafes and Calm beaches invite the visitors with arms wide open. It's a heaven for foodies and double delight if you love French Cuisine.

Cycling around French Colony

I took a heritage tour around the  French Colony by walk. I parked my bicycle and chose to walk as I wanted an experience with every minute detail from this gorgeous town. Aurobindo Ashram is something beyond my thoughts. People all over the world come in search of Peace here. Talking about the foreign visitors, most of them are beautifully dressed in Indian Cotton clothes, while the Indians here are more westernized.The Ashram houses the Samadhi of Shri Aurobindo and Mother. The place is highly maintained when it comes to cleanliness. The localites are very cooperative and kind. Ask for help and you get it. Auto rickshaw guys talk in a reasonably good English and one can easily manage.

A walk to Aurobindo Ashram

French Colony

Evenings are so beautiful here that, one falls in love with the place. Take long walks on the seaside, see if you don't find peace. I envy those who stay there all the while, well I'm much aware of the fact that every place has its own perks.  I sat by the shore, loved watching the waves and enjoyed looking at the kids blowing bubbles occasionally. Everything is magical, the roads are busy in the evening people of all the age group dwell there for a good number of hours.

Gandhi Memorial,  Image Source
I quickly made my way to The Indian Kaffe House, my friend insisted me to go there. She reminded me multiple times and said I'm not supposed to miss that place. Well, it was beyond my expectations. It offers a variety of snacks, shakes, and Coffees. My quick pick was Ferrero Rocher shake, Pancake with Maple Syrup and French Fries (the best I've ever had). You should probably be trying it. To add to it was WT20 Indo-Pak Match, I watched a part of it at Café and then reached my hotel just before the match resumed after rains. What more can one ask to complete the day?

The Indian Kaffe House

Day2: My next day at Pondy is as memorable as Day 1. I hired a local Auto rickshaw to reach Auroville. The thing  I like the most about it is that it belongs to none any in particular. It belongs to Humanity. Mother Mirra Alfassa found this place in 1968. It is a Universal township. A very unique golden metallic sphere is located close to the Center of Auroville, this is nothing but Matrimandir, built by Mother. This is a symbol of the Divine's answer to man's aspiration for perfection. Around 2500 people live inside Auroville, even though it is capable of housing many more.
Not every other person is allowed to enter Matrimandir, as it is typically a place to find one's consciousness and not a tourist attraction. There is a beach close to it known as Auro Beach. More about the City of Dawn here.


My next visit was to Chunnumbar Boating Camp. This is yet another scenic place. A good 20 minutes Boating took us to something known as Paradise Beach. The name is so apt, I say. One of those beaches to get inside the water. The water here is so calm and serene. After I thoroughly enjoyed the beach, I took a boat back to the Chunnumbar Camp.
Chunnumbar Boating Camp

Paradise Beach

Apart from everything else are these beautiful churches that are here. They are old and amazingly beautiful. Every Church has its own uniqueness. The evening lights make them look much more beautiful. All the 4 of them are not just buildings but God's House. The Bharati Park and Botanical Garden are just around the City. Bharati Park being my favorite over the Botanical Garden which is nothing more than a Toy Train station.
Churches around the town

Bharati Park 

Fossil Tree in Botanical Garden  

Toy Train at Botanical Garden

The last part of my stay was Shopping at Pondicherry. However, I'm not too much of a shopping person. But yeah, the options here are abundant. The handicrafts are so carefully done, yet they are reasonably priced. The candles, soaps and cologne are a must. Street shopping for people who love accessories is another nice thing to do. The city is also popular for cotton fabrics and is known as a home for HIDESIGN and other leather items.

Shopping Options

Before I checked-out of the Hotel, Half lemon told the Manager of the Hotel that she ain't a half lemon errr.. or School going kid. She smartly conveyed that she works in an IT Firm. The Manager looks at me and raises his eye brows, I just smiled and said Bye to the staff.
Half Lemon enjoying the Beach side

Everything about this place makes my heart yell out 'Take me there again!!' It was a little like soloing! I gathered a tons of memories from here in the form of pictures. And now I fall short of words to describe this City of Dawn!

Signing off only with a promise to comeback with another blog!


Friday, April 1, 2016

A letter to Daddy!

Daddy Dearest,

Daddy is what I've always fondly called you. If I could ever write something thoughtfully , that would be the greatest ever told. For I would write about you Daddy, who was a man with Golden heart. I don’t know what you were to the entire world but a very special person to my own world.

The values that you have instilled in me are the ones that let me be who I am and be a strong person I could ever be. When people say - "Like Father, Like Daughter" that's the best thing I could ever ask for. I gleam with pride every time someone says - You are just like your Daddy.

Today after 15 years of your absence,  I have still memories of you afresh in my mind. So My dear Daddy my best ever gift to myself is the ability to recall the gift of your brief presence in my life. Perhaps, if you think I missed a lot of things, I would only say, Life's lessons you have taught me are engraved in my heart.

Without the very presence of you in my heart, I wouldn’t be the person I'm today. I'm glad I picked up all that you showered upon me as lessons. You are that one in a millions type of Dad, who has led the secure foundation of my life. I feel your love and presence wherever I go. You are that shining star of my universe. If God ever sends a line of Fathers, I would search for you from the crowd and make you mine all over again.

You never looked for praises, you never boasted anything. For you did everything  for us and left so hurriedly, I couldn't just tell you that - "You were my hero and you have always been. I loved you then, and I love you even more now. Happy Birthday Daddy"

Sitting and gazing back to the farthest ever I can recall,
Your Little Girl V