Thursday, September 26, 2013


             The journey from earth to heaven is so,
             What’s next you never know…………!
                                                          One fine day began my life,
                                                          At the cost of another;
                                                          There were joy, fun, pomp and shore,
                                                          Both the pain and gain were to the Mother.
            Childhood was the time,
            I jumped, played and all my desires were fulfilled;
            And I remember too the time,
            I was punished and the stupid demands for which I cried.
                                                          Within no time it is the Teenage;
                                                          Like the buds in the garden blossom into flower.
                                                          Never knew what’s next…?
                                                         Because every now and then it was time for a new Crush.
            Just the days rolled on and on, and
            Thus the nineteen long years, as well the teen age came to an End……….!
                                                        It’s now high time,
                                                        To make my life and reach my goals.
                                                        I strived hard and hard,
                                                        To be the Winner, just like the Mustangs they did.
            Responsibilities in my life
            Made me so much engrossed in it.
            No time for joy and fun for the past few years,
            I just got accustomed to it.
                                                       Was born like a small fire cracker,
                                                       And was so noisy and spontaneous.
                                                       Strived hard and hard later,
                                                       And lived all my life like a Queen.
            Death does not make friendship with anyone,
            And I never know again,
           Where the Angels are waiting;

           Just to show me the way to Heaven………….!

         --  Vijeta Subhas

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